For Authors
Please prepare your manuscript using a template and submit it to us through our online submission system. Please declare that the work is original, has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Also in order to promote the reviewing process, we recommend introducing three or more possible referees by yourself, however not from your institution. Referees from countries different than of the author’s are preferred. In addition, please note that it is responsibility of the authors to check their manuscripts for possible plagiarism.

In Scientiae Radices, Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors and Editorial Board Members are held responsible for all published materials in the Journal. They do their best to: meet the necessary requirements of Readers and Authors; continuously improve the Journal’s materials; ensure the quality of published materials; ensure the freedom of expression; keep the integrity of all academic record; publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies, when necessary.
Radom Scientific Society
Scientiae radices amarae, fructus dulces
The purpose of the Radom Scientific Society is to stimulate and conduct scientific research on the Radom region as well as to document and promote knowledge about the region. The second strategic goal is the comprehensive development of the academic centre and stimulation of scientific activity.
The present Society – established in 1963 – follows the tradition of the Scientific Society established in the 1820s at the Radom Voivodeship School. We are still guided by the then slogan, taken from the ancient Isocrates: “The roots of knowledge are bitter, but its fruits are sweet.”